Our success depends on the goodwill of our customers. To express our gratitude, we have dedicated this section of our website especially for you, our valued customer. Here, you can submit comments, suggestions, and feedback, and share photos and a story about your Two Rivers Canoeing Adventure with everyone. You can also communicate with others on our blog who have visited us, camped with us, and floated and camped on the Current and Jacks Fork Rivers.
The secondary links above will take you to our guests photo gallery and blog. Each month we’ll feature one of our customer’s floating adventures, complete with five photos and a story about their trip, written in their own words on our gallery page. In addition, to help ensure that everyone who visits us has a fantastic floating adventure, our blog page will allow you to communicate with others who have visited us and floated the rivers, visited the many points of interest in the area, and camped along the rivers. You can also post messages about your own experience to share with others.
Please send all feedback and comments about your vacation experience with Two Rivers Canoe Rental to float@2riverscanoe.com. Thank you for choosing us for all your canoing and floating needs.
Anita Van Steenis
General Manager
Two Rivers Canoe Rental